Sunday, April 24, 2011


I got called into work at about 2:30 this morning.  Some fucking douche bag hit a fire sprinkler in the parking garage with his truck, so the fire alarm was set off.

I went on a nice long run today.  I headed up to Crouch to enjoy the beautiful day and get in touch with some nature.  I parked at the entrance to the Boise National Forest and took off.  The temperature was awesome and I was in one of my most favorite places on earth.  The first half of the run is basically all climbing.  It's pretty gradual for a while, so it's not to difficult to deal with, but I don't care who you are, 9 miles of straight climbing is rough.  Especially when the last 2.5 miles are on snow.  That was probably the worst part about the run today.  My ankles are a little sore from trying to run on the unstable surface.  At the halfway point, I stopped and ate a cliff bar and just enjoyed the scenery.  The water is very high right now, so the sound was almost deafening.  Part of me wished that I had packed a tent and extra food and just stayed up there.  I could really use some unwinding.

The descent was pretty easy.  I picked up the pace a bit just to stretch out my legs and put a little extra effort in, since I took Wednesday off from running.  I felt pretty strong through the entire run, which compared to last week's 20 miler, is a nice improvement.  The last couple of miles last week were pretty rough.  I feel like I could have gone farther with little difficulty, but I decided that I should just stick to my plan and not overdo it. I don't need to be getting injured with all of my races coming up.  I should be ready for the Bear Lake Marathon in June, and I am hoping for a good result.  3:47 just isn't good enough for me.  I know I can do better.  The question is...  how much better?  I am shooting for sub 3:30, which would be an 8 minute/mile pace.  The course is pretty flat, so I am optimistic.  I am going to take walk breaks during this marathon for at least the first 16 miles.  After that, I will adjust my plan as necessary.  I really need to get some longer tempo runs in at faster than race pace.

I'm tired.